Coffee Makers, Percolators and Presses – Which Makes A Real Cup Of Coffee?
There are so many coffee makers, percolators, coffee presses and espresso machines on the market that it can be confusing for a consumer who simply is looking for a reliable cup of joe to be served up each morning. For most Americans that means purchasing one of the many drip coffee makers that run from $16 to as much as $300. The exception of course will be those people who have a specific taste in mind or who are looking for multifunctional machines that grind beans, brews the coffee and delivers your morning paper. Ok it doesn’t deliver the paper but for the price it should. If you are looking for a coffee maker check out percolators. We all know what a drip cup of coffee tastes like and we’ve come to accept the fact that’s the way coffee is supposed to taste if it is traditionally brewed. We know that it’s probably cheaper both in terms of time and dollars to get our specialty coffees, the latter . cappuccinos, espressos, non-fat latte Grande with two shots of rum etc...